This is the first Bond of the new millennium. Do you feel like a totally new Bond villain?
This is a Bond film, it's not aspiring to be gritty realism, so it does
function in a realm of fantasy. The characters, the villains, are
heightened. They are richer than rich, they are more evil than evil,
and they have these enormous ambitions, and I think within a Bond
framework that works, that's what people want from these movies.
I do think, though, that Bond has to change if it's to survive, it has
to keep up with the times, so when the Cold War was around, it operated
in a world where that was the case. Now, the Iron Curtain has come
down, Bond has to keep up with the times. I think one of the successful
things about Bond, and one of the reasons why it survives, is that it
feeds on current neuroses in culture, in this case, genetics and North
Korea. It takes these things and puts them in a realm that, in a way,
is safe. Your name pops up from time to time as an actor
who might be Bond one day. Did that make you hesitate before taking the
role of Gustav Graves? Inevitably one forgoes the
glittering prize of Bondhood. If somebody two years ago had said to me,
"You're going to be in a Bond film, and you're going to be playing a
Bond villain," I would have rolled around in hysterics and thought they
were being absurd. After being lucky enough to be offered the part of a
Bond villain, I'm not going to be churlish and say, "Well, what about
playing Bond?" I grabbed it with both hands and ran. I'm happy, very
happy, and whoever does get Bond, I wish them all the best. Did you take inspiration from any previous Bond villains?
Yes, I have a number of favourites. My top favourite - who is also Lee
Tamahori's favourite, is Robert Shaw in "From Russia With Love".
Although he wasn't the arch villain, it was one of those stories where
you never saw the villain, you just saw the back of his head. Bob Shaw
was the face of the villain, really. He was the hired assassin who was
after Bond and I thought that he gave a wonderfully controlled
performance. It was this controlled aggression that made you deeply
nervous of him losing control. I really loved that, and also I love
Donald Pleasence in his ones, as he had this really sinister, detached
feel to him. What I wanted in this one was a combination of somebody
who is arrogant and aggressive, but also, on the other hand, quite
unhinged and sinister. You get to share a scene with Madonna, was that especially daunting?
It was slightly daunting in that it's like moving into the unknown for
me. On one level I wasn't daunted by actually doing a scene with her,
because I'm an actor by profession and she's an actress by hobby, and
so I was like, "Well, this is my job, I'm not going to be intimidated."
However, meeting somebody who is an icon was slightly nerve-wracking,
but I was very pleased to find out that she was actually very nice and
very professional. We had a morning to do her scene, and we did it in
the allotted time and it was very pleasant, actually. Did you have any embarrassing moments during the shoot?
Yeah, the scene where I parachute into Buckingham Palace, my
mother-in-law lives quite near there and she got up very early and came
along, and I was suspended in the air with this parachute on a crane,
hanging there while they set up the shot down below. And she's 200
yards away behind a tree going, "Hello!" And I'm like going, "Please go
away!" I'm supposed to be the Bond villain and there's my
mother-in-law, but it was actually very sweet of her to make a show. Do you subscribe to the view that it's better to play a villain than a hero?
I think in the Bond movie there's more latitude for villains, because
Pierce has already established himself as Bond, and once you're
established as Bond you don't have much room to manoeuvre. The only
room you have is what situation you are put in as that character,
whereas playing a villain you have carte blanche, you can go wherever
you want with it. I don't want to spend the rest of my career playing
baddies, but it was a lot of fun in this case. Did you get any injuries filming the sword fight?
I was very lucky, I came off pretty unscathed. We started training a
month prior to shooting, and then we were supposed to film the sequence
three months into the film but Pierce did his knee in, so by the time
we actually got to the scene there'd been six months of training. All
of us were just desperate to get it out of the way, but we were all
highly trained by this point. If they'd done it three months into it,
we probably would have damaged each other, but by the time they
actually came to film it, we were so practised at it that it was a very
safe fight. It was very dangerous because we had to really go for each
other, so you had to trust that your opponent gets their sword in the
way, otherwise I could have wrecked Pierce's face, or he could have
wrecked mine, and I really wouldn't want to do that.